The Importance of Hobbies

Something to know about me: I am a serial hobbyist

I love a good hobby. I love a craft, to read a book, to take time to myself. As a creative person, it is easy to have or find a new hobby since most hobbies are creativity related, so I realize it may be easier said than done for some people.

Why is it important to have hobbies:

I believe it is important to have hobbies for many reasons,

1. it is good for your mental health

2. It is good to have fun!

3. Your life shouldn’t just be about work

4. You need to be able to spend time with yourself

5. it can be a stress reliever

Hobbies are about doing things for the fun of it, for finding things that ease your mind and relieve your tension, it’s about knowing yourself and self-discovery. Most importantly, hobbies are about finding joy in life.

Here are a few of mine:

  • drawing

  • painting

  • writing - I am currently trying to write a fantasy novel

  • photography (film & digital)

  • journaling

  • calligraphy

  • sewing

  • candle making

  • yoga

  • baking

Here are some other ideas:

  • jewelry making

  • knitting

  • needle point

  • hiking

  • biking

  • pilates

  • tennis or pickleball

  • scrapbooking

  • camping

  • gardening

  • chess

  • puzzles

  • woodworking

  • gaming

  • grilling

Anything can be a hobby, just ask yourself “does this make me feel good?” or “Do I enjoy doing this and want to do it again?”


Trying a new hobby: calligraphy


My 2023 Projects