Hello 2024!

I lovvvvveee New Years, not for all the partying and fireworks or eating specific things for good luck, but for the reflecting on the past year and the planning of the upcoming year. I love setting my intentions for the year, setting goals (not resolutions), thinking about who I am and who I want to be. It’s fun to me.

Here are the things I like to do moving into the new year:

  1. write down lists from the previous year (ex: concerts I went to, books I read, places I visited)

  2. I write down all of my accomplishments for the year

  3. I write down specific goals with actionable steps - this sets you up for success

  4. deep cleans!! get rid of everything that no longer serves you

  5. talk to my partner about his goals and plans for the year

  6. (this is a new one) in’s and out’s for the year

Am I a bit focused on productivity? maybe, but it makes me feel good and I like it.

The New Year is a really symbolic time to deeply think about your life and the direction it is going in. It is important to slow down and reflect instead of driving blindly. It’s also important to remember that this isn’t that serious. It is just for you and for your benefit. Don’t feel pressure to share any of this on social media or try to meet expectations for others.

My (actionable) Goals for the Year:

  1. read 25 books

  2. Progress in my yoga practice (gain my splits and headstands)

  3. create passive income

  4. define your personal style

  5. Find a new hobby or dive deeper on an old one

I don’t have a ton of goals for the year (as of now), but that may change. I may end up having specific goals for different months. It is a flexible and fluid process.

Now for the other fun part —- In’s and Out’s for 2024:


  • prioritizing hygiene and health

  • water water water

  • old lady hobbies

  • quality over quantity

  • patience

  • slow living

  • genuine conversation

  • treating yourself


  • picking at your skin

  • saying I’ll start on Monday

  • dressing lazy because it’s easy

  • late night scrolling

  • not saving money

  • comparison

If you care about the things I use during the process, here are my ingredients:

  • notion

  • canva

  • moleskin notebooks

  • a good black pen

  • a planner

  • a habit tracker


a new love for books


Palm Beach