the realities of being a renter
Like most 20 - somethings, I am currently a renter. Post college, I lived at home, lived in a one bedroom apartment, lived in a two bedroom apartment, and now live in a 3 bedroom house that I rent.
It can be difficult to live somewhere and want to make it your own but struggle to figure out how without the ability to do a full renovation. I have struggled in a few of my apartments with creating a space that inspires me. My last apartment was nice but the walls and floors were gray and I had a hard time making it my own.
Now being in a house (with a great land lord) it’s a little easier to take creative liberties.
If you are struggling with your rental, here are a few things I’ve learned:
remember that this space is likely temporary
good things take time - don’t rush to fill your home, take your time, purchase things that speak to you
you have limited control - this can be super frustrating, especially if you want to decorate your home a certain way. Renting sets boundaries on that.
you don’t take care of maintenance - this may be the best part of renting. The first week at my house, our pipes were eaten by a rat so we had a rat and flooding problem. Luckily for us, the landlord handled it all.
there is almost always a rental friendly solution - you don’t like the counters? contact paper. Change light bulbs, removable wall paper, sticky tiles. I promise you someone has thought about it and come up with a solution.